To participate in community-driven translations, go to This is an open project for users that want to help improve texts and labels in LHM app.

In order to be able to submit your proposals, you must first log in to the project, by clicking Sign In in the top right corner.

Your regular credentials should be used here.

Next, visit the LHM project (, and pick your language. Here you will see a summary of the state of that language. You can choose to browse all of the available strings of texts, or pick one of the categories with automated warnings.

Once you are on the specific string and its translation, you will see helpful notes on the right. Usually automated system flags translations that have too different punctuation than its English counterpart.

After checking the content of the warnings, you can fill in your proposal for the given text. After that, all you have to do is click the “Suggest” button, and proceed to next entries

Translations will be regularly reviewed and implemented into the app to ensure good experience for our users.