Enterprise plan

The Enterprise plan is the best solution for larger entities that use LHM in teams. You can invite anyone so there is no need to share accounts. Everything is synchronized with the cloud. Workspaces and permissions will allow you to effectively split members into teams and assign them specific tasks.


When you purchase an Enterprise plan, you choose the number of seats for your plan. Seats define how many users you can invite to work with you.


Workspaces are separate virtual instances of LHM, having their own databases. You can access every Workspace easily from LHM and switch them anytime.

We created Workspaces for companies that require several separate spaces within one account (for example, NA Tournaments workspace and EU Tournaments workspace). Two different teams no longer need to use the same database.

How to use Enterprise

Ordering Enterprise

When you click Get Started button on Pricing, it will open a window with the option to customize your Enterprise plan. Here you can make sure you will choose the right billing type and pick the amount of seats you need. First seat is ALWAYS used by the Enterprise owner. Keep it in mind when ordering a plan.


Click Order now and follow the further ordering instructions