Camera Mixer is built-in Addon for handling player face-cams inputs in vMix. It tries to be input-type agnostic, so if you have video signals inside vMix, LHM can handle switching between them to always show player that is being currently spectated. It works by fetching list of video inputs from vMix, and then allowing user to assign player to each input.


Camera Mixer setup

Name each of the video input, so it starts with PLAYER_CAM_. After you are done, you should have 10 inputs that are named similiarly to this:


<aside> 💡 Note! If you are in a LAN environment, it is recommended you just create 10 inputs for each PC players are using, because physical cameras and signal inputs probably won't change, so you will just have to pick the correct players.


Create one additional blank input called PLAYER_CAMS. Camera Mixer will route one of the players feed into that input, so this is the one you need to overlay on top of the game.


Go to LHM Addon tab, toggle Camera Mixer, and go to settings.
