Addons are a new way to create integrations with LHM. Up until this point, only the custom HUD's code had access to game data feed, which meant whatever you wanted to do, it had to be done in the browser environment. Addons work on server environments - they are basically NodeJS apps with CS:GO GSI Event emitter hooked into them. It means that you don't need to create a custom HTTP server with a parser just to receive information from CS:GO, you have all that out of the box, so you can focus on integrations and features you want to create.

Quick idea what you could achieve with it. You can:

Requirements (IMPORTANT):

Basic addons, that do not use external dependencies, have no requirements for usage. But if a developer specified those inside package.json, you need to have NodeJS / npm installed for LHM to fetch them from the internet.

How to start an addon?

Assuming you already created or got an addon, it should just display inside the Addon tab. Toggle the addon, so it will go through the process of making sure it has all necessary dependencies, installing them, and launching it. After launch, the settings panel will be available.

How to create an addon?


We work on making creating addons as straightforward as possible. For now: